Hello and Welcome back new and returning EMIDERS! so good to see new and familiar faces! After our first class last night I wanted to go back and review some of the tools we had learned in earlier sessions. I wanted to let all of you know that it is in a different section....Go to Resources ....then go to EMID level () then go to the class session.
For example, i wanted to review the Chakra and totem meditation that Teresa did for us, and it was in EMID level 2, session 8. Thought this would be useful to tell other folks how I found the tool i was looking for!
@Teresa K will there be a new forum...discussion area for this EMID session? Or will we just comment and post in the last one?
Thanks again so excited to be on this journey with such lovely souls!
Ann Marie
Thanks Jacob! Sure do appreciate all your hard work☺️ are you going to join us in class this semester? I hope so!
Hi Ann Marie,
We're so excited to have you back in class! We highly recommend going back and accessing the materials and tools from EMID Level 1 to support you in your EMID Level 2 journey.
Like you said, to access the materials from EMID Level 1 simply:
(1) Select "Resources" from the navigation bar
(2) Select "EMID Level 1"
(3) Select the Session you'd like to access material from!
Please note: To access the material from EMID Level 1 you must have been registered for the class and be logged into your Dream Tree Healing account
Great question! The Forum for EMID Level 2 is now live, and you can access it here.
If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to reach back out. Thank you so much Ann Marie, we'll see you in class 9/28!